Secrets to Longevity

Secrets to Longevity

There are locations across the globe where people live longer on average than most others. Commonly referred to as “blue zones” these places are statistical anomalies for life expectancies. These blue zone areas include Loma Linda California, Sadina Italy, Ikaria Greece, Okinawa Japan and Nicoya Costa Rica.  Besides being home to some of the greatest populations of people over the age 100, these special areas also have some of the healthiest people in the world. In addition to awe inspiring longevity, their old age isn’t typically spent institutionalized or with chronic debilitating diseases.

Why do residents of these specific places live so long? What habits do they have that can translate into our everyday lives to increase our longevity and enhance the health of our oldest citizens? Are genetics part of the puzzle?

There are certain genetic markers/variants that indicate one’s propensity towards a longer life span; however, the main factors are lifestyle choices and easily controllable factors that we can utilize in our daily lives.

The following are some easy blue zone inspired steps to help improve longevity…

Incorporate more nutrient dense, plant-based meals.
Being vegetarian isn’t for everyone, but the addition of vegetarian options into one’s diet is easy and has proven to aid in longevity. Processed foods, especially meat and dairy products, are leading causes of many chronic diseases and health ailments, so the more nutrient dense, plant-based meals that can be substituted the better.

Keep moving... Exercise!
A body in motion stays in motion. Illness and injury aside, exercise should be a daily routine. From walking the dog to yoga to low impact cardio, it is important for everybody (of all ages) to exercise daily. Make certain to incorporate some strength training as well to circumvent some common effects of aging.

Provide nourishment for the soul
Spiritual and mental health is key to salubrious longevity. Make certain your loved ones are not missing out on their opportunity for complete happiness by overlooking the importance of connections such as friends, family, and/or religion.
